Monitoring of emissions from industrial processes and stacks is required to comply with environmental legislation in many countries. Servomex gas analysis solutions for stack emissions are used worldwide in CEM systems for compliance and certification testing, to monitor and control the emissions, and for emissions abatement, such as for N2O and CO2.
Servomex analysers offer both extractive and cross-stack solutions that provide stable, reliable performance with low cost of ownership, and carry a wide range of approvals from leading certification bodies.
v Boilers
v Process heaters
v Thermal Oxidisers
v Furnaces
v Sulphur Recovery Unit/Tail Gas Stack
v Waste incinerators
v Steel plants
v Syngas
v Refinery fuel gas
A range of rugged and reliable, wall mounted analysers designed for hazardous areas. These analysers can be single or multicomponent, intrinsically safe and are ideally suited for difficult and complex sample gases.
SERVOTOUGH SpectraExact (2500)
A range of rack mounted or bench mounted analysers for safe area. These analysers are single or dual component delivering reliable and unrivalled performance for percentage and trace gas measurements.
A range of flexible high performance portable bench top analysers with single or dual measurement capability.
SERVOFLEX MiniMP (5200 Multipurpose)