Delta F: DF-310E | Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer
Date Submitted: 24-02-2021 03:07:18
The DF-310E is a Coulometric sensor based oxygen analyzer designed to measure trace and percent level oxygen in pure and multi-gas backgrounds for process and quality control primarily in the industrial gas market. The DF-310E is microprocessor driven for easy configuration and maintenance, and for improved accuracy
Non-depleting sensor with 5 year sensor warranty
Fast response time and recovery from upset condition
Suitable for multiple background gases with a single unit
Low detection limit and high accuracy
- Power Input: 220 VAC Input Power
- Included Battery Backup
- Bench Top Unit (portable)
- Background Gas(es): Ar,N2,H2
- Electrolyte Type: Blue
- Calibration: + It need to calibrate after one year working.
Gas Type:
Coulometric non-depleting electrochemical Sensor
Operating ranges:
0-0.5ppm up to 0-25%. * Any range between these ranges
Smallest recommended output range:
Intrinsic error (accuracy):
+/- 3% of reading or +/- 0.5% FSD for standard models
+/- 3% of reading or +/- 0.5% FSD for standard models
+/- 3% of reading or 50ppb for 0-100ppm high resolution model
+/- 3% of reading or 10ppb for 0-50ppm high resolution model
Response time (T90) at sample flow rate:
<10 seconds at 0.7 standard litres/min
Zero drift/month:
Span drift/month:
Lower detection limit
(LDL) on 0-1 ppm range:
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